Monday, February 8, 2016

The Claiming of Nicomaine: Chapter 3 | Yield

Nicomaine knew in her heart that the stranger will catch her when she ran, but she had to try. She was at a loss with what she was feeling when the man eyed her from head to foot—as if she was his last meal to be devoured. It made her feel all tingly inside and she felt herself getting moist down there. It was quite embarrassing especially when he caught her and dumped her on his lap. She wondered if this is what her stepsisters did when they take "walks" at the park. If it gets this rough, no wonder they always tear their gowns!

She fidgeted on her perch and gasped when she felt something hard underneath her rear. She knew not what she was feeling but somehow, it made her feel good. Nicomaine then felt the man's mouth bite her ear not hearing what he said as she's trying to catch her breath. She grabbed his thighs beneath her trying to find her balance and her sanity. "Should I be doing this?" 

She then thought of the things that await her at the house and she decided that for once in her young adult life, she deserves delight--something pleasurable. Her stepmother can wait. Her stepsisters can wait. Her chores can wait. This stranger definitely, can not.

Nicomaine felt his lips on her neck. She tilted her head giving him more access. She tipped her head back when she felt his hands on her breasts. Is this supposed to be wrong? If it is, then she must be going to hell as she does not plan to stop this man from touching her and giving her this much enjoyment.

"My lord," Nicomaine whispered, "what is it you're doing?"

Richard took a deep breath and removed his hands from her breasts but not without pinching her nipples through her dress. "Please forgive me, my lady. Your beauty made me forget who I am and where we are." He gave her neck one last nip balancing her on his lap and rubbing his erection against her rear. 

The prince brought his horse to a stop beneath a large tree by the stream. He jumped down from his steed and assisted Nicomaine to the ground. He then started to crowd her forcing the girl to step back until she's pressed against the tree. Richard placed his hands above Nicomaine's head, his body caging hers. Bringing his face closer, he rubbed his cheek against hers, breathing in her unique scent. "You're driving me mad, Nicomaine." 

She shivered when she heard him whisper her name. Coming from him, it sounded so feral. Her name rolling from his tongue pebbled her nipples further causing her to arch her upper body towards him, her hands clenched behind her back, rubbing them against the rough bark of the tree.

"So do I, my Lord. I...I...never felt this before." She stammered.

Richard froze and drew back. His eyes widened as he looked at the young woman that managed to ensnare him. "You are a virgin?"

Nicomaine blinked as she looked up at him. Upon seeing his unbelieving gaze, she looked down and nodded slowly.

The Prince inwardly smiled. This day is not turning out bad at all. 

"Do not be shy, little one. I will take care of you."

The girl caught his gaze again earnestly searching his. "Then, may I know your name, kind sir? So I know which to call you?"

"You may call me, Master."

He then swooped down to claim her lips that have been taunting him since he first laid eyes on her. And it was bliss. He licked her lips tasting summer and winter at the same time. They said taste is a vessel for delightfully good memories and this girl's lips are definitely ecstasy. They reminded him of the sugary treat that he first tasted; of the strawberries that drip of sweetness; of woman who knows not the taste of a man. Richard slipped his tongue between her lips, urging them to open for him and when they did, he grasped her head between his large hands and quickly plunged his tongue into her warm and inviting crevice. He teased her teeth and let their tongues duel until finally sucking her tongue into his mouth. His hands clutched her hair pressing her tighter against him.

He inserted his thick thigh between her legs, pressing against her core. He let go of her head tracing her curves with his hands. The prince then held her hips and pressed her body down, moving her back and forth against his thigh. Richard groaned into her mouth when he felt her wetness through their clothing. 

Nicomaine melted against the man as he continued to devour her mouth. She grasped his muscular arms as they rubbed her against his thigh; the sensations threatening to overwhelm her reason and sanity. She pulled back to draw in much needed breath but not after lightly biting his lip.
She sagged against the tree as she looked up at the stranger, still straddling his brawny thigh. She rubbed against him, savoring the man's warmth pressing against her sex. She shivered as his hand moved towards her stomach, moving down searching for her sex amongst the layers of garments. She whimpered when he finally found her pearl among her slippery folds. The prince then pushed her to the ground lifting her skirts up, revealing herself to him. 

"You are so delectable," Richard murmured as his eyes fixated between her bare thighs. "I will teach you what it means to call me Master but for the meantime, let me give you this." He then bent down his mouth immediately seeking her creamy folds, his fingers spreading her so he can easily find her clit. He sucked the little nubbin of flesh while he rubbed her dripping sex, spreading her essence around. This caused her to cry out her hips arching and reaching for more. Richard then gently and slow pushed a finger inside her tight opening. Groaning as he felt her clench around his finger. "You are so tight," he muttered as he sucked her tender morsel once more, fully burying his finger inside her.

Nicomaine cried out in pleasure, her heels digging down the dry grassy earth as her hips rose to meet her master's mouth. She felt an arm on her stomach holding her down as she fought to writhe in delight. She moaned as his finger withdrew mourning the emptiness that she felt and jerked when it suddenly breached her opening once again. 

Richard repeated the pattern of sucking and pushing and pulling, his ears rejoicing in the music created by her throaty screams and keening moans. He gingerly inserted another finger joining the other one buried inside her. "I want you to scream for me as you come," he growled. 

Nicomaine's eyes flew wide open as she heard her master's command. She reached up and grasped the tree trunk above her head trying to find anchor as her body flew into her first orgasm. Her cries of pleasure echoing in the meadow, rising to the skies as her soul flew into oblivion.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Claiming of Nicomaine: Chapter 2 | Chase

Richard wanted a day out of the castle. He has had enough of people bowing before him and telling him falsehoods. He is uninterested in the correspondence that his steward was reading to him and much to his annoyance, his father, the King, is again pressing him to marry the princess from the adjoining kingdom. All he wants is to ride his horse and maybe hunt a deer or two. 

Prince Richard is known for his hunting prowess. His servants would arrange hunts for him which he usually enjoys. He mostly goes out with his scent hounds which track his prey for him. But more often than not, he prefers to go out alone, attuning himself to the sounds of the forest, letting his instincts sense out his victim.

After receiving another irksome note from his Father this morning, the prince quietly ordered his stallion to be saddled. He changed to his simple huntsman garb and grabbing his bow and arrow, surreptitiously left the castle grounds.

He chose a path which would hopefully lead him away from any townspeople. Richard then loosened his hold on the reins and let his horse fly. When he is on his destrier, he is free--no responsibilities; no kingdom; no crown; just him and his horse.

After an hour of hard riding, he reached a meadow and which looks like a stream at the other end of the clearing.  Wanting to give himself and his horse a break, he approached the water. Much to his surprise, he saw a winsome lass standing by the stream. Richard immediately drew to a stop as she is the most beautiful creature that he had ever seen. Notwithstanding her somewhat old dress, her face reminds him of a fairy that his nursemaid would tell him as his bedtime story.  Her eye dwarf her diminutive face, making them look larger than they are. He could imagine himself drowning in those brown murky depths and he would no doubt, enjoy going under. Her long dark hair falling around her face and he imagined himself holding onto those thick locks as she’s on her knees. And her lips…her lips…it was the most full and reddest lips he had the fortune of ever seeing. He craves to touch those lips and feel them against his. His eyes darkened when he saw her licking her lips. He imagined them wrapped around his cock and in that instant, he grew hard making his breeches tighter than they already are. Richard knew then, he had to have her.

“Good tidings,” he called out, his eyes searching hers, his voice sounding huskier than he intended. What is this girl doing to him? “Who are you, my lady?”

“I am not allowed to talk to strangers, my lord. I..I.. should go…” His breath caught as he heard her voice for the first time—and what a voice it was. It was low and musical and he could imagine himself falling asleep just listening to her speak. When he saw her trying to run, he pulled the reins of his horse to block her way. He wants her like he has not wanted any other woman. What is it with her?

“Don’t go, please don’t. Please. I won’t hurt you. Stay.” He pleaded, his dark gaze probing and begging. She is just so mesmerizing. He adjusted on his seat trying to get comfortable as he felt himself getting harder.  “You are so beautiful. I would want the honor of knowing your name, my lady.”

He watched the girl as she grew uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze. She bowed her head and spoke so softly that he had to strain just to hear her, “Surely, Sir, you must be mistaken. I am nothing but ordinary.”

She then met his gaze, “But if it interests you that much, my name is Nicomaine.”

She then turned around and fled.

When Richard saw her run, his hunting instinct took over. Digging his heels to the side of his horse, he chased after the girl and when he caught up with her, he easily scooped her up and placed her on his lap. Drawing his arm around her waist, he pressed her back against his front and he slowed down his horse, letting her feel his erection.

He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Shhhh…I mean you no harm. I…I just want to know you better.” He then licked her ear sucking the small shell into his mouth. “You are just so…enchanting.” Richard then released her ear and trailed soft kisses down the side of her neck. His hands that easily spanned her waist moved up to cup her breasts groaning as he felt her nipples pebble underneath his touch. This woman wants him too.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Claiming of Nicomaine: Chapter 1 | Gaze

It’s another day in the Mendoza household. Nicomaine is presently bringing down the laundry of her stepsisters and stepmother. She has yet to prepare breakfast and sweep the cinders near the hearth. So many things to do and yet she’s the only one who has to do them all.

Ever since her father passed away  last year on her 20th summer, her stepmother dismissed the servants one by one claiming that they do not have enough funds to support their household and letting her do some of the chores. Next thing she knew, she was waiting on them hand and foot. She did not mind at first as she promised her father that she will take care of his family on his deathbed.  Little did she know that she took on more than she could handle. There are days though that she wonders if it would be better for her to leave everything and make her way to the world. But she can’t bear to leave the house where she grew up in and her meadow which carried a lot of memories.

“NICOMAINE!” she heard her stepmother scream from the second floor. “Where is my breakfast tea?! You were supposed to bring it up 5 minutes ago!”

One of her stepsisters echoed a demand, “Bring up the dress that I asked you to iron last night. Were you able to repair the ribbon? I’m going out today and I need something decent to wear!”

“Oh no you don’t! That was my dress that I told Nicomaine to iron! You tore yours the other day when we went walking at the park!” She heard the other stepsister argue back.

Tuning out the raised voices, she quickly prepared the breakfast tray with her stepmother’s tea. She scooped up the dresses that her stepsisters asked her to fix and with her heavy load, gingerly climbed her way to the rooms of her stepfamily.

After serving her stepmother’s tea and preventing another quarrel between her stepsisters by repairing both their dresses. She quickly slipped out of the house and ran towards her meadow--the place where she spent her childhood chasing butterflies and being carefree. She just wanted to be alone away from the raised voices and berating screams.

Nicomaine ran to the edge of the meadow where a spring brook gurgled merrily. She sat down beside the water and dipped her feet in the cool stream. She sat back on her hands and raised her face to the warm sun. For awhile, she forgot her stepmother, her stepsisters and the chores that would no doubt be piling up. Right now, she is Nicomaine Mendoza, the free spirit, the young lighthearted lady that played in the meadow. She is Nicomaine Mendoza, a two decade old young girl who has yet to discover her womanhood.

She would hear her stepsisters sometimes gossip over the men that they “meet” during their walks at the park.  She can’t help but wonder what kind of meetings these are that would result to torn gowns and missing ribbons which she has to always repair. Judging from their high pitched voices and whispered giggles, it must be something good. Nicomaine wonders when she will have her own chance.

Just when she was about to doze off, she heard a horse neigh nearby. She scrambled to her feet taking it as sign that she should get back to the main house but she stopped short when she saw the visitor astride the black destrier.  It was his legs that she noticed first. Clothed in dark breeches, they were muscular enough that they snugly hugged the sides of his horse; his large feet encased in simple boots. Drawing her gaze upward, she noticed his chest dressed in simple huntsman garb with the shirt stretched taut across his strapping chest; his corded hands holding the reins of the horse loosely. She then settled her gaze on his face which caused her to lose her breath. It was the most beautiful face she had ever seen. His brown eyes are so piercing that she could feel it cut through her clothes, causing her to clench inside. His face is so pale and smooth that it rivaled her own complexion. And his lips…his lips. Nicomaine touched her own lips as she stared at the stranger, her tongue snaking out to lick her dry lips even touching her finger.  She suddenly wanted to know how his lips will feel against hers.

“Good tidings,” the stranger called out. His voice was husky and she felt it reverberate inside her body making her sex moist. “Who are you, my lady?”

Nicomaine drew her eyes away from the stranger’s mesmerizing gaze and stared at the ground. “I am not allowed to talk to strangers, my lord. I..I.. should go…” she breaks off preparing to leave but the man blocks her way with his horse.

“Don’t go, please don’t. Please. I won’t hurt you. Stay.” He pleaded, his dark gaze probing and begging. “You are so beautiful. I would want the honor of getting your name, my lady.”

The young Mendoza girl looked at her old dress  and her reddened hands, hiding them behind her back. “Surely, Sir, you must be mistaken. I am nothing but ordinary.”

She then met his gaze, “But if it interests you that much, my name is Nicomaine.”
She then turned around and fled.

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Claiming of Nicomaine: Prologue

I discovered Wattpad and the fanfics that frustrated fans are writing about their favorite celebrities. After months of following writers, I succumbed and finally wrote my own. Please forgive me as what I've mentioned, it has been 20 years.

Please let me know what you think and if it's worth continuing.

Thank you!




Ever since Nicomaine was a child, she has always dreamt to be a princess and with one prince charming to sweep her off her feet. She grew up in a loving household with parents that catered to her every whim. Even if she was spoiled, she turned out to be a sweet and caring young girl.
Her father was a merchant and would always be away in business. Whenever he would return from his travels, he always brought her gifts—a small trinket and if she’s lucky, a new book which she usually consumes within the day. Her mother taught her how to play the pianoforte. Though her small hands cannot master the complex pieces of Beethoven, she can certainly play enough to impress her Mama, and hopefully, a future husband.

She treasured those times that she had with her mother. Not only was she taught how to play a musical instrument, she also learned how to cook under her Mama’s tutelage. Together with the kitchen staff, they would roll up their sleeves and bake pies which they would devour amidst joyful laughter and teasing. It was a happy household but one that is not meant to last.

In the middle of her tenth autumn, her mother passed away due to a lingering consumption. Her father, who was away in business at that time, hurried home to see his daughter in a nearly catatonic state.

After grieving and burying his wife, he nursed his daughter back to her former self; not as bubbly or happy  as before but she learned how to smile again. He took a sabbatical from his travels to focus on Nicomaine.

In the mornings, he would read to her until she finally grew impatient and started reading on her own again. In the afternoons, he would take her out at the meadow behind their house and she would bask under the warm afternoon sunshine. She would chase the butterflies until her feet would grow tired and her arms weary from grabbing the insects. Her father would relish his daughter’s laughter but he knew that something was missing. Nicomaine will soon be a young lady and he cannot give her the guidance that she would need.

Seeing that his daughter is fully recovered, Nicomaine’s father resumed his travels. While he’s away, he would send her presents through mail. Eight years after her mother’s demise, she received a parcel containing her recently requested tome with a note that her father will be home in a fortnight and that she should expect guests.

Nicomaine then hurried to get the house ready. She requested the servants to open and air out the rooms as her father’s missive noted that he will be arriving with three other persons. On the morning of his expected arrival, she excitedly dressed in her favorite dress and hurried down when she heard the carriage arrive. She stood at their front door eyeing the coach and ran when she saw her father step down. She lurched to a stop when she saw him assist a lady down the steps.

Her father smiled when he saw her. Bringing the newcomer next to him, introductions were made, “Nicomaine, I want you to meet your new stepmother.”

Eksena sa 10 Ft Diving Board

Dahan-dahan mong inakyat
ang hagdanang magdadala sa 'yo
sa isang tablang patungo sa kahihiyan.
Bawat hakbang
naririndi ka sa lalong lumalakas
na tunog na nililikha ng pangangatog
at pagbabangga ng dalawa mong tuhod.
Pagkarating sa tuktok ng iyong kalbaryo,
pakiramdam mo'y
tatalon ka mula sa isang barko,
patungo sa tubig na bumubuhay
ng mga pating.
Mga sigaw ng pangungutya
ang nagsisilbing espada
na pumipilit sa 'yong tumalon.
Pinikit mo ang iyong namumuting mata
at kinamtan ang katahimikan
na iyong inaasam.

Mas tahimik dito sa tubig.
Wala ka nang maririnig
na sigaw.

Si Carlo

Halos mabilaukan nang mukha niya'y
aking nasilayan. Ang hotdog na aking ninanamnam
ay nag-ugat sa aking lalamunan. Ayaw magpatangay
sa Coke na aking nilaklak. Mata ko'y
sumara hupang huwag makita ang mukha na
maaaring magdulot sa akin ng kahihiyan.

Ngunit dahil sa isang malakas na
pag-ubo, nabuklat ang aking pikit-pilit
na mata at nakita ko ang kumikinang
na kaguwapuhan ni Carlo bago ito
natalsikan ng aking


for you

tongue spin words
that only your ears can hear
letting mouth shape
each perfect syllable
caressing your name
'tween teeth and lips

hands touch skin
that only your senses can feel
across cloud-brushed skin
tracing my future
on your unmarked palms

ears hear songs
that only your body can sing
savoring every passion-filled moan
every gently-loved groan
every pleasure-laden sigh

I hear you chant my name
I feel your fingers sear my skin
I echo your intensifying moans
I feel your love in me
