Friday, February 5, 2016

The Claiming of Nicomaine: Prologue

I discovered Wattpad and the fanfics that frustrated fans are writing about their favorite celebrities. After months of following writers, I succumbed and finally wrote my own. Please forgive me as what I've mentioned, it has been 20 years.

Please let me know what you think and if it's worth continuing.

Thank you!




Ever since Nicomaine was a child, she has always dreamt to be a princess and with one prince charming to sweep her off her feet. She grew up in a loving household with parents that catered to her every whim. Even if she was spoiled, she turned out to be a sweet and caring young girl.
Her father was a merchant and would always be away in business. Whenever he would return from his travels, he always brought her gifts—a small trinket and if she’s lucky, a new book which she usually consumes within the day. Her mother taught her how to play the pianoforte. Though her small hands cannot master the complex pieces of Beethoven, she can certainly play enough to impress her Mama, and hopefully, a future husband.

She treasured those times that she had with her mother. Not only was she taught how to play a musical instrument, she also learned how to cook under her Mama’s tutelage. Together with the kitchen staff, they would roll up their sleeves and bake pies which they would devour amidst joyful laughter and teasing. It was a happy household but one that is not meant to last.

In the middle of her tenth autumn, her mother passed away due to a lingering consumption. Her father, who was away in business at that time, hurried home to see his daughter in a nearly catatonic state.

After grieving and burying his wife, he nursed his daughter back to her former self; not as bubbly or happy  as before but she learned how to smile again. He took a sabbatical from his travels to focus on Nicomaine.

In the mornings, he would read to her until she finally grew impatient and started reading on her own again. In the afternoons, he would take her out at the meadow behind their house and she would bask under the warm afternoon sunshine. She would chase the butterflies until her feet would grow tired and her arms weary from grabbing the insects. Her father would relish his daughter’s laughter but he knew that something was missing. Nicomaine will soon be a young lady and he cannot give her the guidance that she would need.

Seeing that his daughter is fully recovered, Nicomaine’s father resumed his travels. While he’s away, he would send her presents through mail. Eight years after her mother’s demise, she received a parcel containing her recently requested tome with a note that her father will be home in a fortnight and that she should expect guests.

Nicomaine then hurried to get the house ready. She requested the servants to open and air out the rooms as her father’s missive noted that he will be arriving with three other persons. On the morning of his expected arrival, she excitedly dressed in her favorite dress and hurried down when she heard the carriage arrive. She stood at their front door eyeing the coach and ran when she saw her father step down. She lurched to a stop when she saw him assist a lady down the steps.

Her father smiled when he saw her. Bringing the newcomer next to him, introductions were made, “Nicomaine, I want you to meet your new stepmother.”

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