Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Claiming of Nicomaine: Chapter 2 | Chase

Richard wanted a day out of the castle. He has had enough of people bowing before him and telling him falsehoods. He is uninterested in the correspondence that his steward was reading to him and much to his annoyance, his father, the King, is again pressing him to marry the princess from the adjoining kingdom. All he wants is to ride his horse and maybe hunt a deer or two. 

Prince Richard is known for his hunting prowess. His servants would arrange hunts for him which he usually enjoys. He mostly goes out with his scent hounds which track his prey for him. But more often than not, he prefers to go out alone, attuning himself to the sounds of the forest, letting his instincts sense out his victim.

After receiving another irksome note from his Father this morning, the prince quietly ordered his stallion to be saddled. He changed to his simple huntsman garb and grabbing his bow and arrow, surreptitiously left the castle grounds.

He chose a path which would hopefully lead him away from any townspeople. Richard then loosened his hold on the reins and let his horse fly. When he is on his destrier, he is free--no responsibilities; no kingdom; no crown; just him and his horse.

After an hour of hard riding, he reached a meadow and which looks like a stream at the other end of the clearing.  Wanting to give himself and his horse a break, he approached the water. Much to his surprise, he saw a winsome lass standing by the stream. Richard immediately drew to a stop as she is the most beautiful creature that he had ever seen. Notwithstanding her somewhat old dress, her face reminds him of a fairy that his nursemaid would tell him as his bedtime story.  Her eye dwarf her diminutive face, making them look larger than they are. He could imagine himself drowning in those brown murky depths and he would no doubt, enjoy going under. Her long dark hair falling around her face and he imagined himself holding onto those thick locks as she’s on her knees. And her lips…her lips…it was the most full and reddest lips he had the fortune of ever seeing. He craves to touch those lips and feel them against his. His eyes darkened when he saw her licking her lips. He imagined them wrapped around his cock and in that instant, he grew hard making his breeches tighter than they already are. Richard knew then, he had to have her.

“Good tidings,” he called out, his eyes searching hers, his voice sounding huskier than he intended. What is this girl doing to him? “Who are you, my lady?”

“I am not allowed to talk to strangers, my lord. I..I.. should go…” His breath caught as he heard her voice for the first time—and what a voice it was. It was low and musical and he could imagine himself falling asleep just listening to her speak. When he saw her trying to run, he pulled the reins of his horse to block her way. He wants her like he has not wanted any other woman. What is it with her?

“Don’t go, please don’t. Please. I won’t hurt you. Stay.” He pleaded, his dark gaze probing and begging. She is just so mesmerizing. He adjusted on his seat trying to get comfortable as he felt himself getting harder.  “You are so beautiful. I would want the honor of knowing your name, my lady.”

He watched the girl as she grew uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze. She bowed her head and spoke so softly that he had to strain just to hear her, “Surely, Sir, you must be mistaken. I am nothing but ordinary.”

She then met his gaze, “But if it interests you that much, my name is Nicomaine.”

She then turned around and fled.

When Richard saw her run, his hunting instinct took over. Digging his heels to the side of his horse, he chased after the girl and when he caught up with her, he easily scooped her up and placed her on his lap. Drawing his arm around her waist, he pressed her back against his front and he slowed down his horse, letting her feel his erection.

He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Shhhh…I mean you no harm. I…I just want to know you better.” He then licked her ear sucking the small shell into his mouth. “You are just so…enchanting.” Richard then released her ear and trailed soft kisses down the side of her neck. His hands that easily spanned her waist moved up to cup her breasts groaning as he felt her nipples pebble underneath his touch. This woman wants him too.

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